Blog Posts
Thank You, Indiecade 2020!
Posted on 2020 Oct, 25thIt was a pleasure to attend 2020’s Indiecade Anywhere & Everywhere Festival that was held this past week.
I’m humbled that our game Zenith Junction was nominated for the festival and was given the chance to stand alongside so many other wonderful games by brilliant creators. I’m thankful to Indiecade for hosting such a wonderful celebration of Indie games; the streaming crew for smoothly running the show behind the scenes; Sarah Elmaleh & Asher Vollmer for their enthusiastic and self-aware hosting of the awards show during this bizarre online time devoid of physical interaction; our fellow game creators for their wonderful work; my teammates Dylan Nelkin, Palmmy Sivarapornsakul, & Chapin Boyer for their hard work on our game; the NYU Game Center community for their support; and my friends and family for tuning in and cheering me on in spite of not quite understanding the details of how our game worked. :)
My fingers are crossed for an in-person event next year but regardless I’m looking forward to being a part of the Indiecade community for years to come.
Indiecade Zenith Junction Page